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A Cleanse for Your Career

wicker basket overflowing with fresh cut spring flowers on a wooden step Flourish Careers

When it comes to the seasons of the year, I try not to play favorites, but…

Spring is here, and I can’t help feeling excited! 

I can feel the energy shifting around us as plants and plans that have been dormant for months spring back to life. 

The increase in natural light inspires me to lighten up in many ways. 

It may still be cold outside, but I’m officially in spring cleaning mode. 

We deep-cleaned and decluttered our back hallway, and now our first steps into the house feel much lighter and brighter. (“Light,” you may remember, is my word of the year for 2025—and decluttering offers a special kind of lightness!)

However, I have learned that these energy shifts aren’t limited to decluttering tangible items. You can experience the same shift from decluttering intangibles that weigh down your mind, body, and spirit.

But that’s often easier said than done. 

That’s why this newsletter is filled with resources to help you cleanse your career and detox your day job so you can embrace lightness this spring.

Nourish to Flourish: Career Cleanse for Spring

If you’ve experienced the rejuvenating effects of a physical detox or decluttering, you understand the concept of energy. All people, objects, and spaces hold energy, giving off vibrational frequencies that can either inspire or drain us.

When this draining energy comes from your career, it leads to stress, burnout, and negative behaviors, and that means it’s time for a career cleanse.

READ MORE FROM THIS POST: Career Cleanse: How To Detox Your Mind, Body, Spirit, And Space For A Flourishing Worklife

Surprise Bloom: A Secret to Share…

Ahhh! Big news!  

I’m still wrapping my head around it, but I’m beyond excited to share that I’m a contributing author in the newest Brave Women at Work anthology: Lessons in Letting Go!

Lessons in Letting Go is more than a book—it’s a collection of stories from bold, inspiring women who have released expectations and stepped into new possibilities. Being part of this project reminded me that we’re never alone and that genuine strength comes from letting go.


On the Grapevine: Spring Podcast Series

As Season 7 of the Flourish Careers podcast draws to a close, we’re dedicating the remaining episodes to “spring cleaning” your career. 

Topics include decluttering the tasks that drain you, identifying the ones that energize you, and refreshing your professional brand so that everything feels light and new again. Just by tuning in, you’ll feel two times lighter. 


Flourishing Favorites: For Spring

+ READING: Lighten your mental load with the article, “How to Turn Down the Noise & Actually Get Work Done” from InHerSight. Research shows women disproportionately shoulder cognitive labor, and it’s affecting our mental health. Here are the strategies that will help lighten the mental load.

+ LISTENING: Lighten your pace with the book, Slow Productivity, by Cal Newport. Move faster to get more things done? No, Cal Newport says; instead, work at a natural pace, do fewer things, and obsess over quality—that’s the secret sauce.

+ DISCUSSING: Lighten everything else…with this Seasonal Reset Guide. This guide, made for the start of any new season but particularly perfect for spring, contains actionable steps and reflection prompts that will help you reset your mind, body, spirit, and space.  

Plant Your Future: Fried to Flourishing

A flourishing garden results from interconnected relationships—and a flourishing career is no different. Combining the self-paced Fried To Flourishing course with the unmatched power of community, we’ve developed the nutrients needed for the career change you’ve wanted to make. 

Fried to Flourishing Course

A comprehensive experience in making meaningful career change

Flourish Careers | Fried to Flourishing Premier Partnership


Want more career wisdom? Check out these podcast episodes/blog posts!
+ Spring Cleaning Your Career — Declutter, Simplify, and Energize
+ Career Cleanse: How To Detox Your Mind, Body, Spirit, And Space For A Flourishing Worklife
+ Discovering Purpose in Your Career Featuring Denise Wolf

For more insider stories, quick tips, and #CareerTalk, I invite you to connect with me on Instagram @flourish.careers.

March 14, 2025

Blog Featured Image Fresh cut roses in clear glass jar sitting on counter in ray of sunshine Flourish Careers

A Cleanse for Your Career

Blog Featured Image Fresh cut roses in clear glass jar sitting on counter in ray of sunshine Flourish Careers

A Cleanse for Your Career

a monthly newsletter

the gardener's glove


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