take the first step in cultivating your success


Discovering Your Path to Career Fulfillment ❀


Are you stuck in a career that leaves you dreading Monday mornings?

In this inaugural episode of The Flourish Careers podcast, we’re breaking down four actionable steps to help you take charge of your job and find work that inspires you. These steps aren’t one-size-fits-all—they’re designed to be proactive and personalized to fit your unique goals and aspirations.

I’ll also share a bit about my career story, including:
+ The road that led me to become a career coach (spoiler: the road smelled a lot like sour cream and onion 😉)
+ How I thoughtfully planned my pivot
+ What it took to let go of my identity and my old definition of a “career”
+ And how I ultimately followed my heart into the unknown

Looking back, it all unfolded exactly the way it was meant to.

By the end of this episode, you’ll feel empowered with the tools to create a career path that aligns with who you are and where you want to go.

Here’s what we’ll explore:
+ Reset Your Mindset. Shift from a reactive to a proactive approach to your career. Learn to silence self-doubt, reframe setbacks, and adopt a growth mindset to fuel your progress.
+ Gain Clarity on What’s Next. It’s hard to move forward when you’re unsure of your direction. Discover strategies to uncover your strengths, values, and interests so you can confidently define your next move.
+ Refresh Your Professional Brand. Your resume, LinkedIn profile, and personal pitch should reflect where you’re going—not just where you’ve been. I’ll share tips for modernizing your professional presence to stand out in today’s job market.
+ Reinvigorate Your Job Search with a Comfortable Networking Strategy. Networking doesn’t have to feel awkward or forced. Find out how to build meaningful connections and uncover hidden opportunities in an authentic and manageable way.

Remember, tiny, consistent actions can lead to big changes. You’ve got this, see you next time!

Make The Leap!
The Ultimate Playbook for HEART-Based Career Change

Whether you’re ready for a new role or a fresh industry, this comprehensive playbook will provide the framework + actionable information to ignite the spark and make your career change happen. 

The Ultimate Playbook for Purposeful Career Change | Flourish Careers

Want more career wisdom? Check out these podcast episodes/blog posts!
How To Take An Inside-Out Approach To Career Planning
How To Know When It’s Time to Change Careers
How To Find A Career That Gives You More Energy

For more insider stories, quick tips, and #CareerTalk, I invite you to connect with me on Instagram @flourish.careers.

September 26, 2022

Discovering Your Path to Career Fulfillment ❀

Discovering Your Path to Career Fulfillment ❀

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