Let’s face it >> There’s a lot of noise + negativity surrounding us on the daily.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve had to force myself to step away from the madness:
The information, upon information, upon information that is tossed at me every minute of the day (especially as we enter the holidays) is enough to make my mind spin.
And with that, I’ve been thinking about ways to savor the season versus getting caught up in the stress of the season. So today, I’m going to walk you through my favorite topic:
No, I will not recommend meditating under a willow tree for 3 hours (I don’t have the patience for that!)
Although I will share a handful of practices that have helped me shift from being on auto-pilot to being present.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Freebie: 20 ways to nourish in 5 minutes or less
The Power of Fun by Catherine Price
Three Moments A Day
You’ve Got To Nourish To Flourish!
Five minutes a day to a healthier, happier, and more well-rounded you. That’s all it takes!
Want more career wisdom? Check out these podcast episodes/blog posts!
Ep. 4 // Recipe For Making A HEART-Based Career Change Plan
Ep. 5 // Tipping Points + 5 Things Holding You Back From Making A Career Change
How To Make The Most Of Your Mornings
For more insider stories, quick tips, and #CareerTalk, I invite you to connect with me on Instagram