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An Autumn Refresh

Does your professional brand need an autumn refresh?

It seems like everyone talks about spring cleaning, but no one really mentions autumn decluttering? I don’t know about you, but as the leaves shed their leaves each year, I become inspired to, well, make like a tree and start shedding the things I no longer need. Do you feel this way too?

I mean, it starts simply enough. One day I’m emptying my pantry as I prepare to make seasonal goodies, and then the next I’m moving on to closets #SweaterWeather and (oh, boy) the garage.

Then, I find myself looking inward. What expectations and limitations am I holding onto that I can let go of? You see, I want my days to be filled with more meaning. I want to fill them with the habits and practices that energize me and get rid of whatever it is that drains me.

And it makes sense after all. Autumn is a time of change, preparation, and anticipation. Our busy lives so often reflect the quiet rhythm of nature without us even noticing. But if we lean into those rhythms (instead of going against them), we can really experience the best things in each day.

That’s why I believe autumn is the perfect time to refresh your professional brand. Let’s lean into this season of change and prepare for the good things that are in store for your future career.

Career Talk

Refreshing your brand is like tidying your garden bench (easy and quick). Everything you need is already there. Just get rid of your old, worn-out gloves, clean up your favorite potting accessories, and organize your tools. But instead of a clean potting bench, you attract the kinds of companies you most want to work for.

Start by focusing on these two things: your resume and your LinkedIn profile. 

Modernize your resume.

When modernizing your resume, there are two main components to focus on: the design + the content.

  • Design: Hold your resume at arm’s length and look at the overall design. Is it busy? Are your eyes pulled in multiple directions? Are there extra graphs or photos?  You want the design of your resume to appear clean, professional, and succinct. “Declutter” your resume until it appears sleek and professional.
  • Content: Read through the content. Is there a balance between where you’ve been and where you want to go? Or is it a complete play-by-play of your entire career history? Forget covering every minute of your employable life. Declutter the content so you’re only including the relevant work experience that relates to the position you wish to hold.

Update your LinkedIn profile.

Recruiters often use LinkedIn as a search engine for top talent, so—depending on your chosen industry—your profile could be even more important than your resume. To give your LinkedIn profile a quick autumn refresh, focus on these four areas:

  • Photos: Update both your profile photo and background photo. Tip: Get professional headshots taken. Adding a photo can get you 21 times more views!
  • Headline: (the most important feature). Revise your headline to be succinct, searchable, and informative: You should only need a few keywords to clearly state what you do.
  • About: This section should be professional and conversational. It’s a great place to show off your personality by telling a story about who you are and what you do.
  • Skills: Recruiters search for keywords in this section, so be sure you’re using it to highlight your transferable skills.

Nourish to Flourish

“You change the world by being yourself” – Yoko Ono

How we define ourselves is how we give meaning to our careers. Refreshing your professional brand and getting clear on what career success means to you involves digging down deep into your roots—shaping your core and lifestyle values, your desires to make an impact, and what you want your career to look like.

Branching Out: A Guide to Refreshing Your Professional Brand” is hot off the press and up on the blog. It’s packed with everything you need to redefine your career, identify your transferable skills, and start putting them to work.

Exclusive Offer

Loving this autumn refresh and want to do more to renew your professional brand? I have good news!

Refresh Your Brand is an entire module in my signature career coaching program, Fried to Flourishing which is now open for enrollment!

Oh, and I’m so excited to offer it in an all-new virtual coaching experience. I truly want to help you discover your value, confidently pursue a new career path, and find the position that best supports your overall well-being.

Click below to learn more.


Jenn’s Flourishing Favorites

READ: Brand You by John Purkiss & David Royston-Lee. Chock full of helpful exercises, Brand You explains why professional branding is essential and provides practical application steps.

LISTEN: “Tactical Tips for Marketing Yourself” on the Career Clarity Podcast. Lisa Lewis Miller and I dive into our top tips to strategically market yourself and stay updated on what works and what’s most effective in today’s landscape.

DISCUSSING: “Transferable Skills: The Key to Landing Your Dream Job” by Shelby Simon. Defining your transferable skills is KEY to refreshing your brand. This article gives tons of examples and provides steps for highlighting them in your next job search.

Thank you for reading this season’s newsletter. Please feel free to share this bulletin with someone who might find it helpful.

Here’s to embracing refreshing changes! ❀

October 22, 2021

An Autumn Refresh

An Autumn Refresh

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the gardener's glove


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