take the first step in cultivating your success


The Power of the Pause

One of my favorites about long summer days is the inherent permission to pause.

During this season, people pause to take breaks for vacations and trips to the beach. Nature has experienced a vibrant burst of spring, and the flowers and gardens have flourished. Now…the pause.

For many of us, pausing can feel unfamiliar. We’ve been conditioned to prioritize activity and work, work, work—to be productive. So hitting the breaks for a pause might feel weird, even counterintuitive.

However, there is power in the pause.

In the pause, we can create space for gratitude, celebrate how far we’ve come, and make time to cultivate intentions that will propel us into the next season.

For years, I have used the natural pause of June as my chance for a mid-year check-in.

Perhaps you have done (or are doing) a mid-year check-in with your company, but it feels more like a check-the-box activity. I’ve been there.

HEART-based mid-year check-ins are different, and they are a crucial part of HEART-based career planning.

So if you have one goal for yourself this June, let it be this:

Pause and check in.


How To Perform Your Mid-Year Check-In This Summer

Do you wish you had a guide to help you through your mid-year check-in? You’re in luck! I created one. This three-step guide will help you check in with your HEART-based career goals this summer.



Summer Podcast Series: 5 Minutes To Flourish

Season 5 of The Flourish Careers Podcast started with our special summer series: 5 Minutes to Flourish (a concept central to HEART-based career planning!). There is tremendous power in carving out just 5 minutes daily to plant the seeds for professional growth.

Listen in to discover the consistent, tiny actions you can do NOW that your future self will thank you for!


The Gardener’s Glove
A Monthly Newsletter


Want more career wisdom? Check out these podcast episodes/blog posts!
+Values-Driven Careers: Planning With Purpose
+Springing Into Balance: The Power of Saying No in Your Career
+Setbacks into Stepping Stones: From Interview Rejection into Lucky Opportunities

For more insider stories, quick tips, and #CareerTalk, I invite you to connect with me on Instagram @flourish.careers.

June 20, 2024

The Power of the Pause

The Power of the Pause

a monthly newsletter

the gardener's glove


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