Today we’re kicking off with a discussion about the NUMBER 1 thing that holds most career changers back; the answer might surprise you!
This a topic that, in my opinion, isn’t talked about enough in the career change world: believing in yourself. This is the NUMBER 1 thing that keeps people from making a change. So, I will share a bit about the research and why this is important. Then dive into FOUR tips to help you believe in yourself.
1. Identify your strengths (that you actually enjoy) and figure out how to do more of them!
2. Be clear about what you want, especially your core + lifestyle values.
3. Fill your mind with allll the goodness.
BONUS tip: Give it a try, take a shot to see what happens!
Lastly, thank you for your continued support. I find it hard to believe myself, but the podcast is officially in full bloom and entering into Season 2!
This coming season is all about the nitty-gritty details regarding job searching.
Here’s a peek at just a few of the HOT topics:
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Instagram Tree Image
Good News Movement
Grandma Joy’s Roadtrip
Make the Leap!
The Ultimate Playbook for HEART-Based Career Change
Like skydiving, a heart-based career change can be both exhilarating and terrifying. This career change playbook is like your parachute—it provides the framework to help you navigate your descent and land safely in your new career path. With step-by-step instructions and practical wisdom, this playbook will empower you to leap and land smoothly in a new, fulfilling career.
Want more career wisdom? Check out these podcast episodes/blog posts!
Ep. 3 // 10 Signs It’s Time To Change Careers + 3 Struggles You Might Be Facing
Ep. 5 // Tipping Points + 5 Things Holding You Back From Making A Career Change
Ep. 6 // 6 Secrets To Building Momentum For Making A Career Change
For more insider stories, quick tips, and #CareerTalk, I invite you to connect with me on Instagram