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Rethinking Goal Setting With Grace-Filled Intentions


Welcome to Part 2 of our three-part series, designed to help you lay the foundation for a radiant and fulfilling career. If you missed part 1, check it out here.

Feeling scattered, unfocused, or disconnected from what matters? You’re not alone. This episode invites you to realign with an intentional goal-setting approach that grounds and centers you.

The mantra “Be where your feet are” can transform how you show up daily, helping you shift from overwhelm to a sense of purpose.

3 Key Takeaways:
+ Intentions vs. Goals: Intentions focus on your why and how, offering a flexible, values-driven guide. Goals can feel rigid and stressful, especially when life takes unexpected turns.
+ The Energy of Intentionality: Calm, purposeful actions resonate more deeply than rushed, checkbox tasks.
+ The Power of Pen to Paper: Writing your intentions sharpens focus, boosts memory, and encourages action.

Try This: Dedicate 5–10 minutes at the start of your week to reflect and center yourself.
Ask Yourself: How do I want to show up this week?
Write It Down: Choose 1–3 heartfelt intentions, for example:
+ Approach my new project plan with focus and creativity.
+ Spend uninterrupted quality time with my family, engaging in meaningful conversations.
+ Take care of my body with rest and nourishment by running 3 miles.
Check-In Daily: Review your intentions each morning as a grounding ritual.

Intentions act as a compass, guiding you through life’s twists while staying true to what matters most. Start small, stay consistent, and offer yourself grace—a practice that grows with you.

And remember: “Be where your feet are.” Stay present, grounded, and intentional in every moment.

Thanks for joining me on this heart-based journey. See you next week for the final installment of our series as we continue building a radiant and fulfilling career together!

💛 Feeling stuck or burned out in your career? Fried to Flourishing offers self-paced or group coaching to help you gain clarity, set goals, refresh your resume and LinkedIn, modernize your job search, and prepare for interviews and negotiations. Ready to make a meaningful change? Let’s get started!

The Flourish Careers Podcast is proudly highlighted in the Top Career Podcast Guide 

💛 Free Gift: Career Change Checklist 

👩‍💻 Browse around the shop and check out the playbooks: Make The Leap, Ultimate Playbook for Heart-Based Career Change | The Complete Interview Prep Playbook | Jumpstart Your Job Search, Gift for Grads

25 Ways To Nourish Your Body, Mind, Spirit in Just 5 Minutes


Want more career wisdom? Check out these podcast episodes/blog posts!

For more insider stories, quick tips, and #CareerTalk, I invite you to connect with me on Instagram @flourish.careers.

January 22, 2025

Rethinking Goal Setting With Grace-Filled Intentions

Rethinking Goal Setting With Grace-Filled Intentions

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