Welcome to the second installment of our ‘Letting Go’ series on The Flourish Careers Podcast. In this episode, we tackle one of the biggest career challenges: people-pleasing.
If you missed part one, where we explored letting go of perfectionism, you can catch up on it here.
Have you ever felt exhausted trying to make everyone happy, only to end up drained and unappreciated? Or maybe you find yourself saying “yes” when you really wanted to say “no?”
Tune in to learn more about this technique and others that will help you shed the burden of people-pleasing and embrace a more fulfilling path.
Ready for the next episode in this series?
Tune into Part 3: Letting Go of Perfectionism
Recognize the Signs of People-Pleasing
Becoming aware of how people-pleasing shows up in your life is essential. Common signs include constantly overcommitting, feeling guilty for prioritizing your needs, having difficulty saying no, seeking external validation, and avoiding conflict. Identifying these signs helps you understand the extent of your people-pleasing behavior and is the first step toward making meaningful changes.
Set Healthy Boundaries
One effective way to combat people-pleasing is by setting clear and healthy boundaries. This involves assessing your capacity, maintaining your limits, and being consistent with your boundaries. Using tools and technology wisely to support these boundaries, such as setting “Do Not Disturb” modes or using calendar blocks, can also enhance your ability to maintain them.
Adopt the ‘Hell YES or NO’ Strategy
This decision-making strategy encourages you to commit only to things that excite you, simplifying your choices and ensuring you focus on what matters most. By evaluating each opportunity against your heart-based intentions and long-term goals, you empower yourself to say no to what doesn’t align with your aspirations, enhancing your overall satisfaction and well-being.
This week, I invite you to take five minutes to reflect on a recent situation where you said yes but wanted to say no. Write down how it made you feel and what you might do differently next time.
This simple exercise will help you become more aware of your people-pleasing tendencies and start making positive changes.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
The Power of Saying No in Your Career
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25 Ways to Nourish Your Body, Mind, Spirit in 5 Minutes or Less
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+Building Momentum (and Fueling Your Progress)
+Tiny Actions, Big Results: 5 Minutes to Flourish
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